Art Standards:
• Elements of Art
• Principles of Art: unity, harmony
• Observation & description using art vocabulary
• Use of representational and abstract forms
Star Spangled Banner
Using music and art, children will discover the story behind our national anthem. Students will create a painting based on the night Francis Scott Key wrote the words to “The Star Spangled Banner.” 2 sessions.
State Quarter Symbols
Students will research the symbols on state quarters using a variety of resources, then reproduce the art in full color. Based on their research, students will write a haiku poem to be included with their art. Student work can be bound into a class book. 3 sessions.
Picture Postcard: Landscapes from our National Parks
Students will research a National Park using a variety of resources, then create a painting of their favorite park view that will be turned into a picture postcard. Then, they’ll write a friendly letter, address the postcard and mail it. 2 sessions.
Scrap Sculpture
Students will create a sculpture from objects discarded from home. We’ll study unity and harmony as it applies to sculptures by noted artists. Students will be asked to contribute some materials. 2 sessions.
Botanical Illustration
Using careful observation, students will make a detailed scientific drawing of a plant in all its stages of development. We’ll look at examples of professional scientific drawings and discuss techniques used to achieve accuracy. 2 sessions.
One and Two Point Perspective
We’ll begin this class by discussing the different ways space is shown in 2 dimensional art. Then, using one-point perspective, students will draw a cityscape from the viewpoint of the birds. Two-point perspective will be used to draw a landscape with buildings. 4 sessions.
Self Portrait
Learn basic facial proportions and shading techniques while creating a self-portrait using charcoal. 1 session.
The Water Cycle Personified
Students will look at the use of personification in the book “Water Dance,” and discuss the water cycle in relation to our local landscape. Then students will create a painting of the watercycle using various forms of perspective. 1 session.
My Mandala
Using basic fractions and geometric shapes, students will create a mandala (A mandala is a geometric pattern or chart that symbolically represents the cosmos) while learning about radial balance and symmetry. We’ll look at traditional and modern mandalas as examples. 2 sessions.
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